Whenever you bring a new pet into your home it’s always a good idea if you know if they’re going to get along with each other or at least know if they will tolerate each other. Bengal cats for example are just wonderful and intelligent creatures and they are extremely social. Right away, this is […]
Continue readingIf a prospective Bengal owner is looking into the Bengal breed for its inability to acquire Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV), then they will be sorely displeased. The Bengal breed can contract FeLV as easily as any other breed. The concept behind this and the origin of this myth are rather scientific, so let’s take a […]
Continue readingBefore you even think about trying to get an F2 Bengal Cat, you need to understand that doing so is extremely unlikely. You see, because Bengal cats originated from breeding with an Asian Leopard Cat (ALC) the United States Government Fish & Wildlife Service originally put heavy restrictions on the breed. Bengal Breeders have been fighting for years […]
Continue readingBefore you even think about trying to get an F1 Bengal Cat, you need to understand that doing so is extremely unlikely. The reason? Aside from the fact that hybrid cats aren’t even allowed in some states, most breeders don’t have F1 Bengal Cats in their breeding programs themselves. You see, because Bengal cats originated from breeding with […]
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