Bengals are a very boisterous breed, in behavior and noises. Bengals don’t just meow; they have a variety of noises to choose from. They don’t even have to choose from them either; they’ll just use all of their noises for any one moment.
In this blog post we will cover the following:
Oh, they meow all right. And Bengals do so much more than that.
They make so many quirky sounds that it can even help in identifying a Bengal cat amongst others. Pet Helpful advises that Bengals will start their lives like all other cats, with a sweet, little kitten meow. But a fun quirk for Bengals is that they never grow out of that meow. But they don’t stop there, they’ll mew, meep, chirp, and chatter from day one.
Bengals are a verbal breed, more than other breeds. Just imagine a litter of Bengal kittens all making tons of crazy noises. A cacophony of noises coming from a collection of little, kittens.
Because they’re so noisy, their quirks might be a signifier for someone in whether a Bengal cat is the right choice for them.
Cat will meow for whatever it is that they want, but Bengals will meow, mew, chatter, etc. for everything they want. They’ll start meowing once they’ve decided that they want something, and if they don’t get it right away, they will continue.
A determined Bengal will use its entire noise repertoire to explain that it wants something. It doesn’t matter who they’re telling all of this too. Their human, another cat, the fly on the wall that the Bengal is staring so intently at, they’ll tell anyone.
Maybe there’s a bug on the wall, the cat is hungry, or it wants to go outside, a Bengal will meow for whatever they want. Any number of things can elicit a noisy need from a Bengal. An owner can even get yelled at by their noisy feline for the sandwich in their hand or for leaving the litter box a little too dirty.
When a Bengal wants something, they’ll announce it to the world.
The video below shows some Bengals demonstrating their wide variety of noises.
Some Bengals won’t just meow for that they want, some will make noise just because they want to. A bored Bengal can be a very noisy Bengal. They might sit by their owner and meow for attention, in an empty room, facing a blank wall, or in their litter box at their recently produced poop pile.
Bengals are known to enjoy hearing their own voice. Just hearing the sound of their own voice is a good enough reason, to a Bengal, to chatter non-stop. They may feel justified in the reason for the amount of noise that they’re making, but it may not be the same for their human or others around them.
But at least when there is a reason for the noise, an owner can accept it. When there’s no point to the noise, the cat can become a bit of an irritation for its owner.
So how does an owner deal with all of this noise? Well, some enjoy the variety of noises Bengals make. But even these accepting individuals can find themselves wishing for some quiet in the middle of the night.
A Bengal cat’s meow can mean a lot of different things, but there are ways to reduce the chance that the cat continues to meow too often. Below are a few things you can do to try to stop, or at least minimize, the meow of a Bengal cat.
So, what do you think about a Bengal’s meowing habit? Do you agree with what was stated here? Comment below to let us know!