What shots do bengal kittens need

What Shots Do Bengal Kittens Need?

  • January 23, 2023

When you bring home a Bengal kitten it’s not only going to be part of your family but it’s also an investment. So, just like any family member or an investment you are going to want to make sure that nothing happens to your kitten once you’ve brought it into your home. This is why it’s important to know which shots that Bengal kittens need to stay healthy. In this post we will answer the following:

  • What Vaccines Do Bengal Kittens Need?
  • All About Rabies
  • Vaccines Kittens Don’t Need

What Vaccines Do Bengal Kittens Need?

Before going any further we first should understand exactly what vaccines do. Vaccines are small viruses that are injected into your kitten in order to help build up a response that will build your Bengal kitten’s immunity up against certain diseases. This virus that is given to your kitten is one that’s been modified so that your kitten will not get sick from this virus introduced into it’s body and in turn is effective in building up resistance.

Vaccines are meant to help your Bengal kitten to create antibodies that will help fight off diseases and protect them for as long as these antibodies are in your cat’s system.

The first series of vaccinations that your Bengal kitten will need and is highly recommended by vets, is what’s called DRCC/FVRCP vaccination. This is a vaccine that fights against feline distemper or Panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, and calici virus. This series of vaccines will help to protect your Bengal kitten against upper respiratory diseases as well as herpes and other fatal viruses. These vaccinations are important for good health.

The most important vaccine and one that most states require by law that cats must have is rabies. Their first rabies shot is usually given when they are 3 months old. Often their first rabies shot will already be given to them by their breeders.

Please check out the video below about vaccinations:

All About Rabies

So, what is rabies? Well, rabies is a virus that is called a bullet-shaped Rhabdovirus that can enter the body by saliva of an animal that is rabid. Usually this is transmitted to another animal by biting. After the virus has entered the body it will travel to the central nervous system via the spinal cord and then finally attacks the brain of the victim. The main reason why rabies is so much dreaded and deadly is because once it gets into the central nervous system, the immune system simply cannot respond to this attack from the invading virus and death is unavoidable. Something you surely don’t want to see happen to your Bengal kitten.

There is an incubation period for rabies. The normal incubation time is anywhere from 2-8 weeks; but, some studies have shown that some incubation periods can be up to two years. Many experts believe that this is the kind of virus that can lay in waiting within the nerve tissue of it’s host until it is triggered by some sort of stress and then it becomes active.

The treatment for people who may have been bitten by a suspected rabid animal is not as horrendous as it once was when it required 22 different and very painful injections. Today’s treatment includes one dose of immune globulin and then five doses of an anti-rabies vaccine that’s given over a 28 day period. This anti-rabies vaccine will help to promote the body’s immune system to fight off the rabies virus. The immune globulin provides the immediate defense of antibodies that’s need to help fight against the virus.

Right now there currently are 27 states along with the District of Columbia that requires that your Bengal kitten and all cats receive rabies vaccinations. Even if your Bengal kitten is going to be kept indoors. The vaccine will help protect your kitten from people and other animals they might come in contact with, so it’s vital that your kitten receives their rabies vaccination. Not only will it protect your kitten but should you not have proof that your kitten is vaccinated and they scratch someone, you may be at a high risk of having your Bengal cat taken away from you and euthanized in some states! So, it’s really not worth the risk.

Depending on the state in which you live, how often the vaccine is given will vary. Some states require annually, biannually or every three years. Make sure you check with your vet to see what your state requires of you.

Vaccines Kittens Don’t Need

It is also highly recommended that your Bengal cat be protected against Feline Leukemia or FeLV. This is a deadly disease that is spread from cat to cat. Humans and dogs are immune to this disease but cats are not. Even though it’s not a required vaccine, it’s one that you may want to seriously consider. The main reason you may want to give your kitten this vaccine, even though it’s not always needed, is if you have little or no information about the kitten and the kitten’s parents.

Another vaccine that is not needed would be the Chlamydia vaccine. This one is not recommended very often because cats generally are at little to no risk at all of contracting the disease. You might want to seriously consider not getting it because often this vaccine can have a high rate of causing cat illness symptoms and the vet should only give it based upon any prevalence of the condition your kitten lives in and the condition of the breeders environment.

FIP or Feline Infectious Peritonitis is a disease that usually is fatal. Since this intranasal vaccine is not proven to be effective in preventing FIP vaccines usually are only recommended when a cat seems to be at high risk.

Other types of vaccinations Bengal kittens don’t need include the following:

  • Ringworm vaccine
  • Yellow Fever immunization
  • Bordetella vaccine
  • Giardia vaccine

The vaccines listed above generally are not recommended by most vets. Many of vaccines that are deemed unnecessary end up having serious side effects or simply are ineffective and can’t be treated with cat medications.

So, what do you think of this post? Has it helped you better understand the vaccination needs of your Bengal kitten? Please feel free to leave us your comments in the space provided below. Thank you!

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